Making an animated gif
In my last post I wanted to lead off with a short animation of the 3D printer in action. I had a video I shot on my phone that looked nice, so I downloaded it and started looking at ffmpeg options. Eventually I stitched together a few snippets from others with some critical thinking of my own and came up with this:
height=320 # input height halved , can replace with pixils .
width=-2 # keeps aspect ratio . can replace with pixils .
fps=10 # frames per a second .
ffmpeg -ss $start_time \
-t $duration \
-i "$vid" \
-vf "$filters,palettegen" \
-y palette.png &&
ffmpeg -ss $start_time \
-t $duration \
-i "$vid" \
-i palette.png \
-lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:diff_mode=rectangle" \
-y "$vid".gif &&
rm palette.png
It got the gif pretty small, but I still ran it through another web-based optimizer to get the size down more. I’m sure it’s possible to do that extra optimization here, but this is where good ideas run short on time, right?