
AS3 One Step Image Upload

Tonight KeMo and I worked diligently for an extra hour or two after work and came up with a wonderful solution that allows a user to upload an image (or any file, for that matter) into Flash to be used directly. For those of you who haven’t tried to pull this off before, you might be saying to yourself, “Why would that be hard at all?” Well, for one thing, the FileReference Class has this nasty habit of not allowing Flash to access data that is passing through on the way up to a web POST. It’s part of Adobe’s Security policy that says, basically, Flash should just blindly take the content and pass it up to the server. If you try to access the data and manipulate it in any way it will throw an error.

In the past, we’ve gotten around this problem by uploading to a server-side script that stores the data in a database or on the server’s file system and passes a string back to Flash with the URL or database ID. Its a solution that works reliably and is fairly straight forward. The only problems we’ve had was in a situation on a load-balanced server, but it was fairly esoteric.

Tonight, though, we really wanted to see if it was possible to just pass the file into Flash and let the server immediately forget about it. We don’t need to keep these images online after the user plays with them in their player, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to see if it was possible.

KeMo had the first brilliant idea. He thought that we should be able to simply write an image header from the server-side script and then output the raw image data. Flash should, in theory, pick up that data in the event that signals the upload’s completion. We could then display the file. That’s when we found out a few nasty things about Flash’s FileReference Class.

The FileReference Class returns a DataEvent when an upload completes. This seemed promising at first until we realized that DataEvent extends TextEvent, an event usually used to monitor typed user input. The data property of our DataEvent was hard-typed to text! It totally ignored the mime-type of the returned data and forced it into a string.

Our next thought was to try and convert the returned string into a ByteArray. Our thinking here was that once we had a ByteArray, we could further convert it back into the BitmapData, and finally display it. Sadly, there seems to be no documentation on exactly what type of character encoding was used by the DataEvent when it forced the content into a String. Therefore, we had no way of properly using ByteArray’s writeMultiByte method to convert it back. We were starting to get worried. The solution was so close, but we were having trouble getting there.

That’s when the idea hit me. If Flash is going to force our returned data to be a String, then so be it! We could serialize the data being returned from our server-side script. Then, in Flash, we’d deserialize it, convert the ByteArray to a Bitmap, and presto!

We decided to use Base64 encoding/decoding as our serialization technique. There are probably smaller and faster options, but we were just concerned about getting it working. After a few Google searches, we found a fantastic Base64 decoder in AS3 by “foxarc”. We did the encode in PHP, the decode in Flash, and suddenly we were looking at a proper ByteArray.

The final step of the puzzle was to take a ByteArray and convert it to a Bitmap object. We found a few solutions that involved using the setPixel method with a few nested loops and a horrible amount of bitshifting. The blogs claimed it was very fast and efficient, but we wanted to go home at some point tonight. Instead, I found a neat trick of the Loader class. I had always wondered why Loader was in the flash.display package instead of Well, now I understand why. In addition to the file loading capabilities, it also contains all of the necessary mechanisms to convert a ByteArray into Flash datatypes. Specifically, in this instance, Bitmaps. Here’s the magic:

private function uploadCompleteDataHandler (event:DataEvent):void
	var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
	ba.writeBytes (Base64.decode(;
	var loader:Loader = new Loader();
	loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE,
	loader.loadBytes (ba);

private function getBitmapData (e:Event):void
	var image:Bitmap = as Bitmap;
	image.smoothing = true;
	addChild (image);

If you’re curious like I was, this method will also allow you to load uploaded SWFs just as easily as images. Basically you can upload any file format at all and it will act like it came from a trusted domain. Such a wonderful solution to get around one of Flash’s nastier security policies.

Now I don’t want to post all of the code here, mainly because I don’t have a good CSS class set up for displaying code, but I wouldn’t leave you all without a way to get the files. The zip below has all the files necessary to get your own file uploader working in Flash. Just edit the classes and change the paths to the php file on your own localhost or web server and you’re good to go. Good luck.

Edit: I’ve installed a code highlighter plugin, so now I can start writing more code posts!

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